Emergent Space

Do Less.Be More.

From busyness, stuckness or overwhelm, step into a more vibrant and relaxed way of being.

  • Come into your centre.

  • Manage responsibilities, demands and uncertainty from a grounded space within.

  • Feel clarity in what you are doing and where you are heading

  • Let your presence and impact ripple out.

Space to be and become

Space to feel your dreams and fears.

Space to feel the overwhelm, the worries, the stuckness, the hope, the joy, the disappointment, the self-criticism, the dreams, the stress, the grief, the gratitude.

Space to drop deeper.

Into your body, your breath, your being.

Space to find your sense of inner peace, inner knowing and acceptance of what is.

And from this space, gain perspective.

Know what you need to let go of.

Know what you need to hold on to.

Know where you really want to be going.

Know what is holding you back.

My work goes deep. Only when we work with the cause of overwhelm and stuckness, can we come into balance.

My Approach

Most of us fear being rejected, unworthy or unlovable as we are. It is usually subconscious, so we are not aware of these fears.

What we are more usually aware of is our coping strategies that protect us from feeling bad about ourselves. Perhaps it’s people pleasing, perfectionism, addiction to work or hyper-independence.

This stems from trauma and adverse childhood experiences. The need to keep getting approval, praise or be needed, keeps us acting out these strategies. If we stop, we may be seen as lazy or we may feel guilty, and in doing so feel our unworthiness.

The result is overwhelm, exhaustion, depression and more.

Talking therapies and coaching can only take us so far. The rational mind is limited and will take us in circles, trying to avoid what we don’t want to feel.

I work with non-rational techniques, accessing the wisdom of your body through breathwork, art therapy, nature connection and internal family systems.

I support you to become aware of your deepest fears so they no longer control you. I help you connect to the knowing that you are good enough exactly as you are so that you stop needing to be perfect or please and free yourself to step into the person you were born to be.

I work with clients for 6 weeks to 6 months.

I can get a better idea of how long we will need after chatting with you about your unique circumstances.

Prices range from £1000 for 6 sessions to £3000 for 6 months.

If you are interested, please get in touch.

“Sarah took me on a journey into areas of myself that had been locked away for a while. What resulted was clarity on what felt exciting and purposeful for me. I’d spent years struggling to know. It seems so obvious now but was hidden from my sight by who I thought I should be.“ Adrienne

“As a workaholic physician, needing the whole world to love and admire me—and, above all, to need me–I also found it impossible to say no. No matter how busy I was, I always accepted one more patient, one more counseling client, one more difficult case. As I did so, there was less and less space for myself in my own life. The result was chronic back pain and a constant, low-grade depression.” Gabor Mate