What is the path to purpose?


The Path to Purpose

The path to purpose is not about you finding a direction that you are so passionate to follow that you effortlessly become an expert in it (although that is what it may look like to others) .

The path to purpose does not lie "out there" in professions or roles you can train to do (although it may lead you to train in amazing things).

The path to purpose is not something you could ever have known when you were younger (although it will be intricately linked to your earlier years) .

The path to purpose is a path inwards, home to yourself, and the well of potential within.

It is a path of healing and transformation where you give birth to who you truly are.

It is a path of letting go of who you are not - of shedding all the ways that you have unconsciously shrunk yourself in order to fit in.

It is a path of comforting the parts of you that feel unsafe, listening to the parts that feel scared, and loving the parts that feel unloved.

It is a path of uncovering your unique essence, gifts and wisdom.

There is no map, no one has done you before. 

Your guides are your body, your intuition, your excitement and your curiosity.

It is a path of opening to the fear of uncertainty and simultaneously the possibility for miracles.

It is a path of taking action that feels uncomfortable and risks failure (yet opens you to more success than you have ever felt) 

It is a path where you dare to speak your unapologetic truth  and risk rejection from others (but no longer reject yourself) 

It is a path of self-trust and self-discovery. 

The path only becomes clearer as you walk it. 

There is no destination other than home.